Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I'm a fool,

I'm a fool for looking for u,

I'm a fool for falling for u,

I'm a fool for waiting for u,

I'm a fool for waiting your answer,


I will never gave up hope,

I know in the end I will be heartbroken

or the other way around...


I want to cherish this friendship with u



seripagi said...

salam yana..huuu..dis is so sad..u r not being a fool person if ur waiting somebody u like vry much.everybody did the same too. just dont make it too much. u have to take care of yourself too ok.

sebelum menunaikan hak kepada orang lain..hak kepada sahabat..keluarga..masyarakat..agama..etc...hak ke atas diri kita sendiri itu lah yang paling penting. hak jasad yang sihat, iman yang mantap, jiwa yg tenang, akidah yang benar, dan akhlak yg baik seperti akhlak Rasulullah saw kita. ni sumer tanggungjawab kita jugak k :)

wallahu a'lam

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